Dr. Bjoern Enders
Dr. Bjoern Enders works as a Data Science Workflows Architect in the Data Science Engagement Group at NERSC (National Energy Research Science Computing Center) since 2019 where he leads the user program of the NERSC Superfacility API and of the IRI testbed “Perlmutter-on-Demand”. He is also point of contact for DOE light sources and the National Center for Electron Microscopy as well as various projects in NESAP. His main area of interest resides where HPC is used outside the classical shell-and-batch compute paradigm be it urgent and interactive computing or be it API-driven cross-facility workflows (machine-to-machine) and what is needed for these groups of users to succeed. Beyond HPC, he has experience in REST APIs, interactive computing, data streaming, CI/CD pipelines and microservices.
Bjoern has a background in the experimental sciences with a specialization for computational microscopy at synchrotrons and holds a PhD in Physics from the Technical University of Munich, Germany and a MSc equivalent degree in physics from the University of Goettingen, Germany. During his PhD he coauthored a ptychography software called PtyPy (https://github.com/ptycho/ptypy) that is actively used at synchrotrons around the world and that he still maintains today.